Minnesota State Fair 2012

I had a mission at the Minnesota State Fair this year.  That mission was FOOD!  I didn’t care if we did much else (although I had a couple of requests), mainly I wanted to try as many different foods as I could handle.

This is mostly going to be a photo post, but I’ll do a little bit of talking too I guess.  For the first time, I think ever, I went to the fair twice in one season.  Tony and I had a lot of food we wanted to try, and we just couldn’t get it all done in one day.

So, on the first day…

We rode the free park and ride and Tony was oh so happy to be face to arm pit with the wonderful citizens of Minnesota.

We started with bacon ice cream!  It was hot, near the entrance, and on my list.  I had heard ahead of time that this was more of a maple ice cream with bacon in it.  I thought it was good, but have heard mixed reviews from others.

Then we wanted some meat (other than the bacon bits in the ice cream).  Tony got a turkey leg, and I went for a steak kabob.

The fudge puppies are delicious!  I wasn’t expecting it to be so good.  I asked for this without whip cream.  Had to save on calories somewhere! 🙂

After admiring the crowd…

We got some more food that I forgot to take pictures of.  Like a corn dog and a malt.  Although we had two required stops before leaving for the day.

Tony needed some corn on the cob…

And I NEEDED to finally try the chocolate covered bacon.  I’ve been wanting to for oh about 3 years!

It was everything I’d dreamed it would be.  I might make my own to tide me over until next year.

Our last stop was to get some deep fried green beans on the way out.  We were both so full we never actually finished all of these.

The next day that we went was a little less food focused, but that’s mostly what I have pictures of!

Pizza on a stick, followed by cheese curds.  It was a cheesy start to a deep fried day!

Again, I didn’t get photos of everything we tried.  Here is the chocolate banana grilled sandwich.

And the final stop on the food front is the mini cinnamon rolls.

Other than trying lots of food, we also visited the Miracle of Birth Center and I saw a baby lamb take its first steps.  Then Tony told me I wasn’t allowed to have a pig as a pet.

We rode the Sky Glider, another thing I’ve wanted to do for several years now.

I also visited the Fine Arts building a couple of times, we went into the environmental building, and in general we did a lot of walking around.  Mostly from one food goal to the other.

I really enjoyed going twice this year, and even more so enjoyed all of the food we had.  I think next year I will be riding the sky glider again and try a lot of the same food.  Maybe see if we get involved in anything else.

Park and ride back to the parking lot!

What was your favorite part of the fair this year?

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