November Recap & Awards

Oh my goodness!  What happened to December?!  I am extremely late with this post, and I will have to put up the recap for December this week as well.  I feel like I haven’t had as much free time lately.  Although the truth is probably a little more complicated.  I’m sure my free time was taken up with holiday activities, but that doesn’t account for the entire last month.  In reality, winter sucks the life out of me.  It really does.  I am definitely one of those people that lives based off the sun.  I should only be awake and active while the sun is shining.  I’m struggling to convince myself that this isn’t true.  That I have just as much free time in January as I did in July.  It’s not working out so well yet.  So what ends up happening is that evenings after work when in the summer I would be more active and alert, all I want to do now is curl up on the couch and wait until it’s time for bed.

On a happier note, now that it is 2013 I can finally say I’m getting married this year!  Tony and I have been engaged since Sept 2011, and I’m not complaining about how long of an engagement we’ve had, but it will be nice to complete this phase.  We chose to have a longer engagement so that we don’t go into debt after the wedding.  That choice is working out well for us so far.

Let’s get back to November though…

November 2012




Best Sunset or Sunrise Photograph – I’m in love with this Tuesday Sunset that welcomed me after work.  Such a beautiful sight to see that makes not seeing the sun all day semi-ok.

Nov 20, 2012


Most Adorable Reflection – My nephew Sam is taking after his father and becoming very interested in cooking.  One of the things he can be seen doing often is staring into the oven.  He even wears oven mitts and drapes a towel over his shoulder just like his father!

Nov 23, 2012


Tony’s Award of Excellence – I’m not sure why, but Tony has chosen the introduction of Leonardo for this month.  I guess at least someone is getting entertainment out of that wooden man other than me.

Nov 4, 2012

Most Cheerful – I was so happy when our office was painted over the Thanksgiving weekend.  This light lilac has really made a difference in the space.  Previously it was a boring neutral tan that matched our desks and cabinets.  Now there is some contrast and interest in the place I spend a majority of my week!

Nov 27, 2012

Best Cure for a Constant Cold – I could have easily chosen the cold medicine or glass of wine for this category.  However, the one thing I appreciated more than those was hot chocolate.  Tony can mix a chocolate packet into water pretty well!  It eased my throat and calmed my cough.  Plus, I really like the colors in this photo.

Nov 25, 2012

Greatest Leonardo Pose of the MonthVoting day was a pretty big deal.  I’m glad Leonardo went out and did his part for his country.

Nov 6, 2012

Largest Single Purchase of Multiple Movies – Confusing?  Well, when you consider that Tony bought the 50 years of Bond DVD set which has 22 movies inside, then it makes sense.  I fell asleep during the first movie that he put in.  Not sure how I’m going to make it through 22 of them!

Nov 28, 2012

Best Reading Material – I had been debating about buying the Young House Love book.  Then I just decided I couldn’t take it anymore.  I really enjoy their blog, and so there must be some useful information in a book as well!  I haven’t looked through all of it yet, but am enjoying what I’ve seen so far.

Nov 17, 2012

Most Successful Food ExperimentRoasting peppers was new to me, so I made Tony do it.  He’s only done it once before, and that makes him the expert in the house!  It turned out fabulously.  We took the roasted peppers and made a soup with tortellini.  Wonderful dish!

Nov 15, 2012

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