Growing Up

What do you want to be when you grow up? (accompanied by random photos from the archives)

No one ever told me how much thought should have gone into that answer.  I could tell you right now, when I grow up I WANT to be a fine art photographer.  The fact that I know this is great!  Some people have no idea what their passion is.

Sept 26, 2012

The problem with this answer is that it is not completely thought through.  If I were to be a fine art photographer right now, I would not be financially able to contribute to the household.  Tony and I are not able to live off of his income alone right now.  I’ve looked into the possibilities and researched what would need to be done in order to change my career.  I would not be making any money at first, in fact I don’t know when my art would start to turn me a profit.  Sure, I could pursue my passion as I work a full time job, but then the process would be even slower.  People do it, but I’m not sure it’s the right option for me right now.

Oct 10, 2012

Today I will be taking the first step in finding out how to incorporate my desire to be creative into a full time job.  I am starting an Introduction to Graphic Design class at a local college.  I’m not “going back to school” because I won’t be taking this class for any credits.  However, if through this class I find that graphic design is something that I can be good at, then I will be taking further courses.

Oct 5, 2012

The goal here is of course to see how much I can take on at one time.  Currently I am planning my wedding, planning a bridal shower for a friend, attempting (and barely succeeding) to maintain two blogs, working full time, and trying to find time to just relax.  I NEED that “just relax” time, everyone does.  Why not add on a college level class?  Well it is luckily only 1 day a week for 10 weeks.  If I don’t go insane, then I’ve accomplished something.

I am extremely excited to see where this adventure will take me.

November Recap & Awards

Oh my goodness!  What happened to December?!  I am extremely late with this post, and I will have to put up the recap for December this week as well.  I feel like I haven’t had as much free time lately.  Although the truth is probably a little more complicated.  I’m sure my free time was taken up with holiday activities, but that doesn’t account for the entire last month.  In reality, winter sucks the life out of me.  It really does.  I am definitely one of those people that lives based off the sun.  I should only be awake and active while the sun is shining.  I’m struggling to convince myself that this isn’t true.  That I have just as much free time in January as I did in July.  It’s not working out so well yet.  So what ends up happening is that evenings after work when in the summer I would be more active and alert, all I want to do now is curl up on the couch and wait until it’s time for bed.

On a happier note, now that it is 2013 I can finally say I’m getting married this year!  Tony and I have been engaged since Sept 2011, and I’m not complaining about how long of an engagement we’ve had, but it will be nice to complete this phase.  We chose to have a longer engagement so that we don’t go into debt after the wedding.  That choice is working out well for us so far.

Let’s get back to November though…

November 2012



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August Recap and Awards

The second month of my Project 365 was a small bit of a struggle.  It was difficult some days to really find something to take a photo of.  I’ll admit that some of that oozed over into this month.  I am getting nervous about what I am going to do in the winter.  If anyone has ideas of subject matter when I won’t be able to go out in the sunlight I’m open to hear it all!

Let’s get on to the awards!


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Minnesota State Fair 2012

I had a mission at the Minnesota State Fair this year.  That mission was FOOD!  I didn’t care if we did much else (although I had a couple of requests), mainly I wanted to try as many different foods as I could handle.

This is mostly going to be a photo post, but I’ll do a little bit of talking too I guess.  For the first time, I think ever, I went to the fair twice in one season.  Tony and I had a lot of food we wanted to try, and we just couldn’t get it all done in one day.

So, on the first day…

We rode the free park and ride and Tony was oh so happy to be face to arm pit with the wonderful citizens of Minnesota.

We started with bacon ice cream!  It was hot, near the entrance, and on my list.  I had heard ahead of time that this was more of a maple ice cream with bacon in it.  I thought it was good, but have heard mixed reviews from others.

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