TLR Camera Build

I first told you about this DIY TLR Camera back in November with this random post.  Then in December when I was talking about My Dream Decade I mentioned it again (but still had yet to go ahead and buy one).  Finally in March I went ahead and bought the camera.  It took me until a couple of weeks ago to set aside time to put it together.  Have I ever told you I am a procrastinator?  I am.  Big time.

I had read several reviews that said this would take about an hour.  That didn’t matter to me, building the camera is a part of the fun!  (it ended up taking me maybe an hour and a half because some things just didn’t work the way the instructions wanted them to)  I started by laying out all of the little pieces, in the same order that they were packed. (except the tiny pink screwdriver is mine)

Then it was a matter of following the slightly better than Ikea instructions.  I found a lot of spelling mistakes, but also some confusing sentences.  There was quite a bit of guess work going on.

In reading reviews I also read that “Spring C” and “Spring D” were mislabeled.  I’m glad I knew this ahead of time, but if you are putting this together, they don’t fit in each others spots anyway.  So hopefully you would figure it out.  Here is where you can see the mistake (click on the images to enlarge).






The pieces are very small.  Be careful not to lose anything, there are no extras provided.

This is one of the first parts I got done.  When the gears turned like they were supposed to I was so happy.  I turned to Tony and said “It works!”

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