Minnesota State Fair 2012

I had a mission at the Minnesota State Fair this year.  That mission was FOOD!  I didn’t care if we did much else (although I had a couple of requests), mainly I wanted to try as many different foods as I could handle.

This is mostly going to be a photo post, but I’ll do a little bit of talking too I guess.  For the first time, I think ever, I went to the fair twice in one season.  Tony and I had a lot of food we wanted to try, and we just couldn’t get it all done in one day.

So, on the first day…

We rode the free park and ride and Tony was oh so happy to be face to arm pit with the wonderful citizens of Minnesota.

We started with bacon ice cream!  It was hot, near the entrance, and on my list.  I had heard ahead of time that this was more of a maple ice cream with bacon in it.  I thought it was good, but have heard mixed reviews from others.

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